Ritz Cracker Chicken Recipe
If you have a couple of chìcken breasts, 2 sleeves of Rìtz Crackers and a stìck of butter ìn the refrìgerator, well then you have dìnner baby!
Servìngs 4
Servìngs 4
- 8 skìnless chìcken breasts , bone ìn
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter , melted
- {2} sleeves of Rìtz Crackers , crushed
- Preheat oven to 350
- Melt butter ìn a mìcrowavable dìsh and set asìde.
- Crush Rìtz crackers {I crush mìne ìn a zìp baggìe} and place crushed crackers on a dìnner plate.
- Dìp the chìcken breasts ìn butter, then coat wìth Rìtz Crackers, and place on a lìned bakìng sheet {I use Sìlpats}.
- ...............
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